🎨Luce #4743
💰 Price: 4.19 SOL
🏪 Marketplace: Tensor
Transaction Details:
View Transaction🎨Luce #1798
💰 Price: 4.19 SOL
🏪 Marketplace: Tensor
Transaction Details:
View Transaction🎨Luce #3314
💰 Price: 4.20 SOL
🏪 Marketplace: Magic Eden
Transaction Details:
View TransactionMagic Eden
Coral Cube
Open Telegram and search for @BotFather
Start a chat and send /newbot
Follow prompts to name your bot and get the API token
Add bot to your group and make it an admin
Open your Discord server settings
Go to Integrations → Webhooks
Click Create Webhook and configure settings
Copy the webhook URL and save changes
All payments are final and non-refundable after purchase.
You may change your collection address or Discord webhook URL only once within 24 hours of purchase.
After 24 hours, no further changes to your collection address or webhook URL will be allowed under any circumstances. No exceptions to this policy will be made, regardless of the situation.
If the bot fails to perform as advertised due to internal errors, we will work together to find solutions; however, no refunds will be provided.
This bot is designed for tracking only already minted NFTs that have been traded on our supported Solana marketplace platforms. We do not support cNFTs.
The bot is not responsible for any loss of transactions, delays, or issues arising from external platforms.
It is your responsibility to provide a correct and compatible Solana NFT collection address that is supported by our platforms to use the service effectively.
Note that cNFTs, or other derivative forms of NFTs, are not within the scope of this service. Please ensure the assets you track align with the supported standards.
We take your privacy seriously. All data, including customer API keys and webhook URLs, are securely stored and never shared with third parties.
Your data will not be used for any unauthorized purposes or shared outside of our services.
Webhooks and API keys are stored in a secure environment, and access is limited to authorized systems only.
We will notify you of any significant changes to our privacy policy or terms of service.
From time to time, our servers may undergo maintenance, updates, or restarts. During these periods, there may be temporary interruptions or delays in the bot's functionality.
We cannot be held responsible for any missed sales or transactions that occur during these maintenance windows.
While we strive to minimize downtime, we make no guarantees that the bot will be operational at all times, especially during updates or unforeseen technical issues.
By purchasing, you agree to these terms and conditions. If you have any questions, please reach out to our support team on telegram Here